Between stimulus and response lies a space.
In that space lie our freedom and power to choose a response.
In our response lies our growth and our happiness.
Viktor. E. Frankl
Our services.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy can help you get a better understanding of why you feel the way you do, explore your life’s values and how they present in your life and figure out a way towards wellbeing and fulfilment.
Individual therapy
Carlie Fairbairn $150/1 hour
Bec Wall $190/1 hour (Mental Health Treatment plans welcome)
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) $200/1 hour
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories (Shapiro, 1989a, 1989b).
A structured therapy that encourages the client to briefly focus on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements), which is associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the trauma memories.
Bec welcomes Mental Health Treatment plans from GPs, Victims Servicss referrals and EMDR referrals.
Relationship Counselling
We all have our own expectations and experiences that we bring to relationships. Sometimes these can be helpful, and other times can create confusion, hurt and disconnection.
Relationship counselling can be a blame free way to assist you and your partner to communicate better.
To explore how previous experiences impact your current relationship and learn more helpful ways of relating.
Relationship Counselling $200/1 hour
Family/Parenting Support
Parenting is tricky. A lot of the time we know the kind of parent we don’t want to be, however, struggle to put into practice the strategies we would like to.
Parenting support offers a place for parents to learn more about compassionate parenting, and what this could look like in your home.
Together we can work through things like how your experience of being parented impacts how you parent, how you/you and your partner respond to big feelings, strategies for optimal attachment and social-emotional learning and parental mental health.
Parenting support $180/1 hour
NEW Parenting Workshop coming early 2025 :)
This immersive workshop will be an opportunity to grow your understanding of yourself and develop parenting practices in line with your values, helping you to parent intentionally and compassionately.
Over 5 weeks we will explore:
How experiences of being parented impact how we parent
What is secure attachment and how does it develop
Emotional needs and how they impact out ability to parent
How to respond to big emotions (in ourselves and our kids)